Results for Stop/go displays via touch command

Here 's list of search results found relevant to the keyword 'Stop/go displays via touch command':

Results more relevant:

 how to use the touch command in linux - phoenixnap
Linux touch Examples. When working with files in Linux, there are three timestamps to be aware of: 1. Access time or atime changes when a command reads the file's contents, such as grep or cat.The ls -lu command displays the atime for files.. 2. Change time or ctime changes when a file's property changes, such as renaming files, modifying file permission, or moving the file.

 touch command in linux: 9 useful examples
Now let’s see how to use the touch command with some simple but useful examples. 1. Create an empty file. As I mentioned earlier, this is the most common use of touch command. All you have to do is to use touch with the file name. touch <filename>. This will create an empty file if the file doesn’t exist. touch empty_file.

 [solved] working touch-screen as secondary monitors on windows 11
Finally, all your screens should turn white with a this text in the middle of the primary screen "Tap this screen with a single finger to identify it as the touch screen. If this is not the table PC screen, Press Enter to move to the next screen". Press Enter until you get to the monitor you want to use as a touch screen.

Other results:

 turn pi screen on and off programmatically
I would like to turn the screen on or off via Python. For example, when I ask what is the time I want the screen to wake up as I display a certain webpage on the screen that has time and date. Then after a certain amount of time I want it to go blank again. How can I control the screen display Python or via command line?

 touch – change file timestamps - unix tutorial
Changing timestamps of a time to the current system time. The default behavior of touch command is to change all three timestamps associated with a file to the current system time. You simply specify the filename as a command line parameter, no oother options are needed. If there isn’t a file with the specified name, touch command will create ...

 touch command in linux with examples - linux command line tutorial
touch command in Linux Advanced Examples. Use the -r option with the touch command to specify a reference file. What this does is change a file’s modification time to match the modification time of a different file that you specify. After executing the command, both files will have the same modification time. $ touch -r file example.txt.

 command line - how to enable monitor from terminal? - ask ubuntu
I accidentally disabled my monitors, so when I log in I land on a blank, back-lit screen. I can open terminals with Ctrl+Alt+F#, so how do I enable the monitor from terminal?. I tried xrandr, but it can't open display.xset does not work either. I found this question which closely resembles my problem. The answer provides a script to be put in /etc/X11/Xreset.d.

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